Friday, 4 September 2015

The Drowned Child and The Amygdala Hijack

The Drowned Child and The Amygdala Hijack

Have you ever wondered how the media manages to be so effective in manipulating people’s responses to news stories?  How do they manage to slant the stories in such a way as to get that knee-jerk reaction exactly the way they want it?

It is largely done by manipulating you with Neuro-Linguistic Programming in such a way that an automatic brain process takes over before you are able to make a considered rational decision.

The Amygdala is a rather primitive part of the limbic system in the mid brain which associates positive or negative affect to patterns of stimuli.

In evolutionary terms it was designed to give quick reactions to situations which normally wouldn’t allow time for rational consideration, fight or flight situations.  A primitive survival circuit which can kick in on a kind of instinctual over-ride.  Road rage is a modern example of it.

But it is also subject to reward and punishment from social stimuli.  Social approval or disapproval can be so strongly conditioned as to produce literally compulsive behaviour.

For instance, the native population of Europe has come to think of itself as ethical (whatever that might really mean) to such a degree over recent decades, with efforts like Live Aid or concern for climate change and fair trade with the Third World, and been encouraged to think that we are such good people for it that we have become afraid of being accused of not being totally altruistic and charitable.  We have become afraid of being accused of having our ‘White Privilege’ due to our dreadful crime of having had successful ancestors who thought up lots of cool stuff and invented the modern world, and for even considering that it might be our right to hold onto that world which they created for us and which we inherited to do even better things with.

So at the appearance of a dead child on every news outlet in the European world with the trope that this happened because of ‘YOUR’ racist anti-immigration policies and finger pointed at us, it is of course hard to resist that feeling that something must be done, and that this must involve us admitting some kind of guilt for this awful thing, and the wave of rising emotion which says ‘Let them all come, I can’t bear to see them suffer’ with no thought for any practical considerations, consequences or outcomes.

It is impossible to reason with someone still in the grip of the Amygdala Hijack, for this is what it is.  The emotional panic button of the Amygdala has been pressed and until the conditioned association between the stimulus and that button can be broken, cortical reasoning has been over-ridden, in an uncontrollable peace and love polar opposite counterpart to road rage.

Fortunately not everyone is universally susceptible, and some of us have learnt how to intervene to a degree in our own responses.

Probably the most important starting point is to recognise situations to which you are vulnerable and when you start having strong emotional reactions.

It can be a significant step in one’s personal growth to be able to discern and stand back from the weaponised information, barbed with guilt and poisoned with empathy and compassion which the media have just thrown at us.

Another useful step towards being resistant to the matrix mind programming is simply to not watch television or read mainstream news publications.  You can pick up headlines from your preferred sources online and compare them.

Whenever something like this happens it is an assault on the psyche of the peoples it is aimed at, and the herd will let themselves be herded, but there are always those who will not be herded.  They are those who recognise the attempted emotional trigger and have moved to a higher level of cognitive processing whereby the brain’s triage and gating systems are able to pick up the deception because of giveaway patterns and details.  Rather like a false flag event in many ways, as it is presenting events in such a way as to get a certain response, rather than in an open ended investigative manner.

If you feel an emotional knee-jerk coming on about something you saw or read, or someone said to you, or with the guy in the car which just overtook you, take a moment and step out of the situation in your mind.  It will begin the process of decoupling you from what is almost an addiction to emotional responses which has been programmed into our collective mindset, exploiting ancient brain structures and using them against us.

There are many things that, like this, can raise your level of functioning and make you more effective in realising your goals in life.  We’ve all seen movies where one ninja defeats an army pitched against him.  We may not be able to take on an army alone, but the metaphor is that the higher level of perception and cognitive function then one can at least defend oneself from the emotional triggers that are one’s own vulnerabilities.

It is a vital evolutionary function to be able to see through and outwit the psi-operations set against us and expose them to others.  I would suggest that the level of co-ordination for this drowned child story was quite extensive.  They will have been waiting for something like this and pounced on it the moment it came up.  And presumably the intention was to trigger everyone’s amygdalas so that ration discourse on the subject of migrants, refugees, infiltrators, call them what you will, was to become impossible, just a few days before the special European summit on the issues of migrants and refugees.  Convenient timing, one has to observe.

Fortunately a few of the usual suspects such as Richard Littlejohn have obviously seen such patterns before, and commenters on a variety of news threads have followed his example.  And now it transpires that the father who lost his son had been in a stable position in Turkey for some time but risked everything with the dangerous attempted boat crossing that went wrong.  Europe is being blamed for his error of judgement, and our borders are to be opened, one assumes, to assuage our guilt at having allowed this to happen.

If we are truly to move forward, evolve and develop, then it must be in a direction of responsibility, for both sides, not with one as victim and the other as self sacrificing saviour.  I hate to say it, but the father in this instance had stopped behaving responsibly, and he paid for his gamble with his son's life.  Just blaming us for his actions will neither bring his son back, not do anything to help him deal with his situation.

The war of words, in which those who don’t comply with allowing their amygdalas to hijack their frontal cortex and its powers of reason are called ‘racists’ and ‘cruel’, will now proceed, but those who have disconnected from their conditioning are no longer affected by it.  They no longer fear what is behind the weaponised words, and so they no longer feel the fight or flight response when these attacks are made.

As each weaponised psi-attack is made, the psychic immunity to the infiltration of such thought and emotional viruses into our minds increases, to the point where there is almost instant recognition that we are being played, that we are being given narratives that are slanted against us, and that this is predatory.

A good thing about the amygdala is that the deeper and more ancient survival levels are still there beneath all the social programming that has tried to overlay it.  I’m particularly interested in what one might call the ‘Zhen Ren’ moment, that moment of absolute clarity about oneself that we should all seek.  Just as Duncan Idaho, in Dune Messiah, awoke from his amnesia to the memory of his true identity when he was faced with am impossible conflict between his new conditioning to kill and his deeper, more firmly rooted love for Paul Muad’dib.  Identity, loyalty, clan.  Survival.

And he awoke to the true awareness of who he was.

A diamond is created only under the most extreme conditions of heat and pressure.  So it is with the ‘Diamond Body’ of the Master.  Surviving intensity so that their inner being is fused into irreducible firmness and clarity which cannot be lost or degraded.

That is what we are seeking in ourselves, for with it we shall be resistant to all propaganda and lying attempts to control our thoughts and reactions, real psychic immunity; and the signs are that we are starting to develop this immunity, this perception, this recognition.  When it then becomes commonplace the landslide will commence.


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